Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Don't you hate when you get a voicemail at home about something you need to do but can't because you got the message at like 10 pm?? St. Luke's called me this afternoon on my home phone - even though all of my information has my cell phone number to prevent this type of thing from happening. This is confirmation of my anxious, OCD personality.
Today was spent trying to ensure that all of my paperwork is in order for short term disability - thank goodness for a good job with benefits. I am also trying to get all the little details I think of done now so that I am not scrambling this next week. I figure there is plenty to worry about so getting a few things completed will help.
My mind is swirling with questions. When they say two days in the hospital, do they count the day of surgery? Does that mean one night and two days or two nights and two days? What time will the surgery actually start? How long will it take? Do they anticipate longer than three weeks down time? Is that three weeks at home? I know I can't drive, but can I ride? These are just a few of the millions of questions that are swirling around in my head.

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