Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 10 - Panic is beginning

Just home from the Barrett 4th of July family fun to find a cat that had been locked in a guest room for 2 days. Guess it is a good thing we didn't stay any longer. I was hopeful that some "relaxing" time with family and no work would help a little with the pain, but that would not be the case. I think that the stress of the upcoming procedure, along with increasing pain has made me very cranky. I jump to yelling/sarcastic frustration much faster than I typically do. I feel sorry for the boys.
I am trying to keep my mind in a positive light knowing that the next week and a half is just going to get more and more stressful. The one thing that I keep in my mind - relief is coming. I can't wait until I can sleep without medication. I don't know how many of you know this, but the stronger the drug, the more the drool. And yes, I did just admit that.
I am not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. It is just getting more and more painful to type, yet I keep doing this blog. The nice thing is that I don't have a deadline and can take as many breaks as I want.
I ordered a book this past week - Conquering Chiari - which I hope to get tomorrow. I want to see if some of the other "problems" I've had are symptoms that could have been caused by Chiari or if I just really do have the body of a 70 year old.
I am trying to have a sense of humor about this whole process. This is going to be my upgrade. Making me a bit better. I joked with the PA in my pain management docs office. I asked her if they could put a couple of LED lights in there with the battery pack. I love to do that, because they are never quite sure if I am being serious or not. I have an appointment with the pain doc on Thursday to determine how big the paddle needs to be and where we are going to place it for sure. I called last week to make sure they weren't going to have to shave any of my head so I could chop of some of my hair. I was going to donate to Locks of Love, but they want 10 inches and that would have meant we had to shave the back of my head. So... we just cut off 6 or so inches.
Time to wrap up some laundry so that the munchkin can get in the shower and we can all head to bed.

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