Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I didn't realize how long it had been since I had posted. I have been doing great! We turned the system up and it is covering more of my pain. I can't help but laugh because when we turned it up, I ended up with some stimulation in my leg. When you get the stimulator in your cervical spine, because it is so narrow, you can end up with some mild stimulation in other areas. With the relief that I have, I can handle some other stimulation. It is unfortunate that information on stimulation isn't more widely known. I can't imagine that there aren't people suffering out there that could be helped by this.
Last Thursday, I ended up having a little "seepage" from the incision on my chest. It didn't look infected, so I didn't rush in to the doctor. I had an appointment on Monday to discuss my medications anyway. Then, over the weekend, my mind tried to freak me out. Bottom line is, it was just my body pushing out one of the stitches under the skin (I guess they have to stitch inside and then staple the incision shut). Today you can't even tell that there was anything wierd.
Actually, all of the incisions look great. The one on the top of my shoulder pretty much looks like I had a cat scratch me. I can't really see the back of my head (hahaha) but was told it looks fantastic as well. I am going to be declining the final pain medication over the next couple of weeks and will be completely done with them by the end of the month.
Who could ask for more???

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