Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29, 2009 - 16 days to go

I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to blog about it when typing increases the pain. My hope is that someone else will get some relief from a similar problem.

Another day of work. It is difficult to make it through the day without taking multiple breaks because of the pain. I am curious to see if there is an increase in productivity with some pain relief. It would be nice to want to work out, clean house, play with the kid, etc. but I never have the energy. I can't convice myself to walk on the treadmill. I tried to jump rope for a bit, but it started bothering my arm. Of course. So much for my girlish figure. I guess that has been gone for a while now, thanks to age, kids and lack of willpower.
I didn't take the percocet last night and will not do that again. I don't feel like I slept at all. I'm sure the ladies at work are tired of hearing me complain. I don't blame them. They all have plenty of their own problems to worry about without me trying to add mine in.
The ANS rep dropped of shells of the battery packs they have so I can make the best decision. I figure that because it is going to be below my collar bone, smaller is better. He recommended that I tape it on and walk around with it for a while. Not sure that I want to do that, but I may just to make sure I am comfortable. Since we are skipping the trial (since it is in the cervical spine and apt to move more)I don't get to change my mind later. There is a substantial size difference and I will be going with the ANS Eon mini for sure.
Off to bathe the munchkin and then to bed with us both.

1 comment:

  1. you are amazing and I have renewed hope that maybe I really can get through this, thank you so much for sharing your most intimate stories of what you have been through/ I hope and pray for you and your family, may God bless you.
